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1on1 Training
Semi Private Lifting
Boxing/HIIT Classes
Youth Boxing 9+

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About the Gym

Train With the Best

KS Fitness is a program that applies functional movement with HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). This allows people of all fitness levels to be challenged at their own pace while having fun and getting the results you cannot get anywhere else. KS Fitness combines boxing, circuit training, weight lifting and natural body weight movement proven to burn up to 800 calories in 45mins. With a great mix of boxing this is a fun way to maximize your cardiovascular and endurance to keep you healthy and fit. You must realize that your greatest opponent is yourself and the only thing stopping you is you. You vs. You is the motto that I live by and keeps my drive alive. Compete with yourself and you will understand the true meaning of KS Fitness.

Opening Hours

Come Visit

Mon - Thur: 5am - 7pm
Fri - 6am - 6pm
Sat: 8am - 10am
Sun: Closed

Core Exercise

Personal Training

Hit the Gym with a Coach


Boxing Training

No more boring cardio


Youth Boxing

We teach our kids confidence and patience. Building the next generations of leaders. NO MORE DEPRESSED KIDS


Semi Private Classes

Heavy lifting programs. Max 5 people per class

Personal Trainer Stretching Session

Flexibility Training

Help reduce the aches and pains! Find the stretches your body needs

Get In Touch

2128 E. Orangethorpe Ave


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